Our visit to carlota

So, over the Christmas holiday, I decided to visit carlota and bring noa along since she has never been to a mine before. now, arizona has 350 clear blue days a year. that leaves us with ohh, about 2 weeks of bad weather a year. we happened to pick one of those for our mine visit. but, of course, bad weather = better pictures for andrew, so it wasn’t all bad. and in the end, the worst thing that happened, the wind deciding to tear…

Junkyard Wars Vancouver: Pumpkin Launcher

So i was invited out to watch the junkyard wars competition that dave goosen was in this weekend, and took some photos while i was there. even managed to snap an HDR or two. Here was the one designed by dave’s team. the crossbow team and the trebuchet the pumpkins waitining around in horror to be launched i think this is my favorite by far. you can see the scared face as it goes! if you zoom in on the higher rez picture you can…