Andy and Kate Moll’s Wedding

This summer two of our good friends, Andy and Kate, got married in victoria, in a park close to where andy grew up. The location was amazing, and the ceremony was beautiful. All of it only to be outdone by kate walking down the makeshift isle. i wont say too much about the ceremony, other than it was the debut performance of Rafer and the three uke’s who’s smooth sounds washed over the crowd as the new couple did their signing. Anyways, ill let the…

moonshinery plays again

The Moonshine Express had another show a few weekends ago. they are getting their sets down. this time it was at a bigger venue, and there was quite a crowd. the event was a fundraiser and it was a themed party, so lots of well dressed people! some of the band + others some stashes tak growin the stash naomi’s great hat! tying a tie who is that in the conductor outfit! marcel looking sharp! huge crowd the band