what is all this Feed mumbo jumbo? and new posts by e-mail?

Hello, so, ive just added a few new features to the site.  if you look at the sidebar on the right, towards the bottom, well, you can see a few new icons and such.  what are these you ask? Well, first, ive added my shared google reader items.  ive gone into length before what google reader is, and well, if im browsing my feeds, and see something iteresting i wish to share, i can hit share on it, and voila, they appear here now.  moving…

How to Keep up to date with blogs with Google reader

I was talking to jaime the other day, how ive started using google reader for keeping up to date on all the websites i like to scan daily.  but what is an RSS, and what is google reader you ask? Well, Rss feeds are basically a stripped down version of the information posted in blogs.  its a universal standard, that can be read by any number of RSS feed aggregator.  one such aggregator is google reader.  now, its still in beta, as many of google…