Changes around the blog and in my life

Hey everyone.

Thanks for reading and following me.  over the last 6 months, there have been a few changes, both on the blog, and in my life.

Lifewise, this summer we sold our apartment in vancouver, and have moved to israel.  needless to say, the last 6 months have been rather hectic.  but me, noa and ginger are here in Tel Aviv now, and all is well.  well, other than all my adventures im having.

Blogwise, well, due to all the activity in my life, it fell a little to the wayside in the last few months.  Since i have more free time on my hands these days, i decided to make some changes, that started with a better faster webhost.  the website should load a lot faster now.  and my email and rss feeds were acting up, so i fixed all that.

What does this all mean to you?  well, nothing really.  if you used to get emails, you will continue to get them now, but from a company called MailChimp.  you may be reading it in your email now, from them.  if you are interested in signing up for emails to my posts, you can do so at this link here.  Andrew’s Adventures Via Mailchimp emails

If you used to use RSS, i have changed that feed too.  Just point your RSS reader to:

Lastly, the biggest change to the blog is that it can now be found at  I am saving the root of the domain name for a photography portfolio, but that is still going to take some time for me to get it ready.  so keep your eyes peeled.

Finally, i already have a lot of observations and adventures after being here for only 4 days, so i hope to keep the fun post coming.

Thanks again for sticking around,




2 thoughts on “Changes around the blog and in my life

  1. Good on ya guys! Welcome to Israel Andrew and hope you manage to settle in and enjoy a little bit! :)

    Please keep up the amazing blog posts and pictures as some of us really love them and rely on them for tidbits of information *ahem* 😀

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