Estrella trip 2, the naomi and andrew edition

So after taking butch out to go flying first, i wanted to go on an aerobatic flight, and naomi decided she would go up for a glider ride too. so, naomi and my dad got in first to get towed, and i followed with the instructor giving me the aerobatic ride. here are erik and naomi checking out the plane naomi in the back seat ready to take off me getting into my chute ohh yeah, im ready lets get going on the towline on…

First Estrella Trip

So my fathers best friend from childhood came to stay with us over the holidays this year. He had spent lots of time in airplanes, but never in a glider, so of course he had to go for a glider ride. so we went to estralla sailport, our glider field about an hour from our house. its where our family glider also lives. anyways,lets get into it the plane sitting waiting to take off before my dad previous plane taking off my dad and butch…