
My last photo challenge for the group was “Reflection”. instead of taking it literally, i wanted to try something different that i haven’t tried before. so, i set up a flash with a snoot, set the camera to “dramatic mode”, and had noa press the shutter. I’m pretty happy with the results. [flickr id=”6876891854″ thumbnail=”large” overlay=”false” size=”large” group=”” align=”none”]

The Brackendale Eagles

You can live in a city for over 10 years, and still learn something new all the time. for some inexplicable reason, the majestic eagles of brackendale of eluded me for this entire time. until now. I first heard of it from my friend mike, who said we should go visit backendale, an area right outside of squamish. there, you can stand on a dyke and watch these guys watch you for hour on end as they sit in their little provincial park. no, seriously,…

Tomato Hot House Tour

Earlier this summer i got the privilege of touring a local tomato hot house. I’ve always been super excited about how commercial operations work, and especially hot houses. They are needed in Vancouver, as the summer hot season is so short, and this is the only way to extend the growing season. i was blown away at how tomatoes are actually grown commercially, and some of the innovation that have gone into producing more yield. and i was struck by the beauty of all the…